Wednesday, January 12, 2011
January Job Fairs
On Monday January 17th is the Coast-to-Coast Career Fair from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm at the Seattle Airport Marriott Hotel at 3201 South 176th Street. They are bringing together some of the area’s top local employers, who will be hiring for hundreds of positions! Anyone in the community who is looking for work is encouraged to attend this FREE Job Fair. This event will offer job seekers an opportunity to meet face-to-face with dozens of employers who are hiring today! Coast-to-Coast Career Fairs will also have a local career expert on hand to provide a free professional resume review. Make most of this job fair by dressing professionally and bringing multiple copies of your resume. For more information call 866-838-5111 or visit
On Wednesday January 19th is the City Career Fairs Diversity Employment Day Career Fair from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm at Seattle Center NW Room-Shaw Room at 305 Harrison Street in Seattle. Sponsored by the Your participation actively reaffirms your commitment to getting America back to work with diversity and equality in the workplace. Major employers have 100's of jobs and career positions available! Take advantage of this one time opportunity for FACE to FACE interviews. ADMISSION IS FREE! Business attire required. Bring plenty of resumes! For more information call 562.409.0056, E-mail or visit
On Thursday January 20th is the Choice Career Fairs from 10:30 am - 2:00 pm at Seattle Center NorthWest Rooms Next to Key Arena 1st Ave. N & Republican St. Seattle, WA 98109. Meet Face to Face with the Hiring Managers from some of the best employers in the greater Seattle area. Just walk in and start interviewing, it's that simple. You can save time, money and effort interviewing with dozens of local companies in one day and at one location. Free Admission... Hundreds of Jobs... The recruiters at this event have many job titles they need to fill. For a list of job titles, maps and a line pass, please go to
To review, Coast to Coast Career Fair is on Monday the 17th at the Seattle Airport Hotel from 11 to 2. Diversity Employment Day Career Fair is on Wednesday the 19th from 11 to 3 at Seattle Center NW Room--the Shaw Room. And, Choice Career Fair is on Thursday the 20th from 10:30 to 2 at Seattle Center Northwest Rooms. Good luck.
Lifeline Prepaid Cellphone Programs

Hi. If you or someone you know would like to get a low-cost pay-as-you-go cell phone, I want to let you know about the two Lifeline prepaid cellphone programs currently available, Assurance Wireless and Safelink Wireless. SafeLink (from Tracfone) and Assurance (from Virgin Mobile) both offer a free phone, up to 250 free minutes every month plus free voice mail, caller ID and call waiting. SafeLink also offers two other options: 125 minutes that carryover to the next month or 68 international minutes (that also carryover monthly). These programs do not require a contract, monthly bills, or a credit check.
In the first few days of each month, your monthly allotment of free minutes will be added to your phone. If you use all your free minutes before the end of the month you will need to buy additional minutes, which can be purchased online, by phone and at retail stores on top-up cards. SafeLink charges 20¢ for each additional minute, while Assurance offers either 250 extra minutes for $5 or 750 extra minutes and 1000 text messages for $20. Prepaid mobile minutes are taxed at a rate of 11%. Here is a comparison chart of Lifeline cellphone programs.
Note that to apply for a Lifeline phone you must provide a unique physical mailing address; they will not send the phone to an address that has already received one, and won't send to P.O. boxes or commercial addresses. So, you will not be eligible if you live in a shelter or other group housing situation where each resident doesn't have their own unique address, or if you live in a car or on the street.
To be eligible for either Lifeline program you must either receive DSHS benefits or your income must be below 135% of poverty level. The eligible benefits are:
- Food Stamps (SNAP)
- Medical Assistance
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Disability Lifeline (General Assistance)
- Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8)
- Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- State Family Assistance (SFA)
- DSHS Chore Services
- Refugee Assistance
- Community Options Program Entry System (COPES)
SafeLink requires a DSHS client ID and last 4 digits of social security number to qualify based on program participation, Assurance only requires that you report which programs you participate in. To apply based on income your gross monthly income must be below these guidelines:
1 person household: $ 1,218
2 person household: $ 1,639
3 person household: $ 2,060
4 person household: $ 2,481
5 person household: $ 2,901
6 person household: $ 3,322
7 person household: $ 3,743
8 person household: $ 4,164
Each additional person: + 421
To qualify on income, you will need to mail them documentation of your income: such as Federal or state tax return, Current income statement or W2 from an employer, 3 consecutive months of current pay stubs, Social Security statement of benefits, Retirement or Pension benefits statement, Unemployment or Workers Comp statement of benefits, or other legal document that shows income.
To apply for Assurance Wireless call 1-800-395-2108 or print and mail their application from their website
For more information, here is a brochure on Lifeline cell phone programs (it should be printed double-sided on legal-sized paper and folded four times).
Based on CVM’s analysis, Assurance Wireless is the best deal overall for Lifeline cell phones right now. But, we recommend that you still keep your Community Voice Mail number, so you have a stable number where you can always be reached, even if you run out of minutes and can’t afford to buy more, or you loose or break your phone, and so you continue to receive our broadcast messages about community resources like this.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Poverty Action on the Capitol Day on MLK Day 1/17

Hi, I want encourage you to take action to end poverty this Martin Luther King Day! Come to Olympia with the Statewide Poverty Action Network on Monday January 17th for their “Poverty Action on the Capitol” Day.
A free bus will leave Seattle from Solid Ground (at 1501 N 45th St. in Wallingford) at 7:30 am on Monday, Jan. 17, and return around 5:00 pm the same day. You must sign up for the bus in advance by calling Poverty Action at 206-694-6794—Ask for Kate.
Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Children are welcome. Come to learn about policies that affect low-income people, network with people from across the region and share your story with lawmakers.
We hope you will turn out on January 17th to call upon the state legislature and the Governor to make ending poverty a priority. For more information call Poverty Action at 206-694-6794 or visit