If you or someone you know have children under 14 and receive benefits from DSHS such as food stamps, I want to let you know about Toys for Tots, a program which distributes free new toys as holiday gifts to needy children in the community. Toys for Tots is partnering with DSHS Community Service Offices (CSOs) in King County this holiday season to distribute toys for children, birth through age 14. For the next two weeks they will be giving away toys at DSHS offices and some churches throughout King County. DSHS will make a list of clients on public assistance who are active, pending or recently closed and provide that list to Toys for Tots. Families may receive toys once during the holiday season. People who are unsure of their status should call their local CSO for clarification. The Toys for Tots give aways are on the following dates and locations. All events start at 8:30am and end at 3pm, except Belltown, which ends at 2pm.
Thursday December 9, 2010
Lake Samm Foursquare Church
14434 NE 8th Street, Bellevue
King South CSO
1313 W Meeker St, Kent
Monday December 13, 2010
King South CSO
1313 W Meeker St, Kent
Capitol Hill CSO
1700 E Cherry, Seattle
Tuesday December 14, 2010
White Center CSO
9650 15th Ave SW, Seattle
Federal Way CSO
616 348th St, Federal Way
Wednesday December 15, 2010
White Center CSO
9650 15th Ave SW, Seattle
Belltown CSO
2106 2nd Ave Seattle
Thursday December 16, 2010
White Center CSO
9650 15th Ave SW, Seattle
Renton CSO
500 SW 7th St, Renton
Monday December 20, 2010
King North CSO
907 NW Ballard Way, Seattle
Federal Way CSO
616 348th St, Federal Way
Tuesday December 21, 2010
Rainier CSO
3600 S Graham St, Seattle
Auburn First United Methodist Church
100 N St SE, Auburn
For more information about Toys for Tots visit toysfortots.org
Happy Holidays!
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