The hiring events are all from 8:30 am to 4 pm at the following dates and locations:
-Monday January 28th at WorkSource Auburn
2701 I Street N.E., Auburn
-Tuesday January 29th at WorkSource Rainier
2531 Rainier Ave S., Seattle
-Wednesday January 30th at WorkSource Redmond
7735 178th Place NE, Redmond
-Thursday January 31st at WorkSource North Seattle
9600 College Way N, Seattle
You must RSVP! Please contact your nearest WorkSource Center for referrals and to RSVP at 1-800-992-3529. Please bring your photo ID on the event date! Job seekers need to be at the session throughout the day for testing and interview. For more info on Census Hiring events contact Kitty Kitnikone at nkitnikone@esd.gov.
The Greater Seattle Career Fair is next Thursday, January 31st, from 11am – 2pm at The Seattle Center Northwest Rooms. Meet Face to Face with the Hiring Managers from some of the best employers in the greater Seattle area. Just walk in and start interviewing, it's that simple. You can save time, money and effort interviewing with dozens of local companies in one day and at one location. Free Admission, hundreds of Jobs, in most job categories. The recruiters at this event have many job titles they need to fill.
Do you have a resume, but aren’t getting called for interviews? If so, it means your resume needs improvement to catch the attention of hiring managers. Bring a copy of your resume to the Greater Seattle Career Fair and receive a free resume consultation. Find out about small changes that can make a big difference in getting your resume noticed. Free resume reviews are available from 11:00am to 1:45pm.
That's the Greater Seattle Career Fair, next Thursday the 31st, from 11 to 2 at Seattle Center Northwest Rooms - Next to Key Arena at 1st Ave. N & Republican St., Seattle. For a list of job titles, maps and a line pass, go to choicecareerfairs.com.
Good luck!
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