The proposed state budgets from the House and Senate just came out and the Senate budget cuts Community Voicemail and the WIN 211 Referral system. It is important for both House and Senate legislators to hear from you over the next week while they are hashing out the final budget.
Please call the Legislative Hotline at 1.800.562.6000 and leave a message for your State Legislators that says:
Please fully fund the Community Voicemail and WIN 211 programs. Everyone needs a way to stay connected and to access critical resources to help them move out of crisis. Lifeline does not serve everyone and Community Voicemail provides a vital service for people who will otherwise fall through the cracks.
Feel free to customize your message with a personal story of how these services have helped you or others. You don't need to know who your legislators are to call, but if you don't know and want to find out, or if you want to email them, you can visit DistrictFinder. When you call, they will ask you for your address. You can use any address where you're staying, even a shelter.
Please call or write as soon as you can because decisions are being made NOW and every call helps make the case for the importance of this service.
Thank you for your time and help!
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