If you or someone you know are a senior, I want to let you know about the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program which provides low-income seniors with $40 in voucher checks that can be exchanged for fresh produce at farmers markets, roadside stands, and community-supported agriculture programs throughout King County.
Applicants for the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program must be King County residents age 60 or older (age 55 or older if American Indian/Alaska Native) and low-income—below 185 percent of Federal Poverty Level (FPL). In real terms, that means someone who meets the age requirement must have an annual income at or below $20,665 (or $1,723 monthly) if he or she lives alone or $27,991 ($2,333 monthly) if he or she lives with one other person. For larger households, the FPL formula adds $611 per month per person.
Applications are available online or by calling the following organizations:
African American Elders Program: 206-328-6840
Asian Counseling & Referral Service: 206-695-7510
Chinese Information & Service Center: 206-624-5633 ext 4178
Latino Information & Assistance: 206-764-4700
Neighborhood House: 206-461-4522
Russian Information & Assistance: 425-643-2221
Seattle Mayor’s Office for Senior Citizens: 206-684-0500
Senior Information & Assistance 206-448-3110 or 1-888-4ELDERS
Because funds are limited, a random selection process is used to select recipients. Completed applications must be submitted by mail and postmarked by June 4, 2012. All applicants will receive a letter by early July informing them of their status. Please spread the word by posting the flyer. For more information Contact Senior Information & Assistance at 206-448-3110 or 1-888-435-3377.
Good nutrition comes as a result of making the necessary changes in your life to be dedicated to weight loss. Nutritional Programs