Want to get your finances in shape? The Seattle-King County Asset Building Collaborative, with more than two dozen community partners, is proud to present Financial Fitness Day, providing a wide array of FREE services to the public to help them understand, manage, and improve their financial situations. Financial Fitness Day is this Saturday, April 2nd from 10 AM to 3 PM at Rainier Community Center at
4600 38th Avenue, in Seattle.
You can't afford to miss this opportunity to talk to an expert about:
• Credit and Debt
• Financial planning and investment management
• Mortgage and foreclosure
• Bankruptcy and consumer rights
• Tax return preparation and tax credits
• Starting a business
• Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
At Financial Fitness Day, you will be able to:
• Have your tax return prepared
• Print a free credit report
• Open a bank account — even if you've never had one before
• Create a household budget and develop a plan to reduce your debt
• Apply for public benefits (food, utilities, child care, health insurance)
• Shred financial documents to protect your identity
Services will be provided by experts, including attorneys, financial planners, housing counselors, credit counselors, public health workers, and volunteer tax preparers. Workshops will be offered throughout the day on a variety of financial topics, such as how to adapt to a reduced household income, bankruptcy, ID theft, and other relevant issues.
To register for this event or to find out more information, call 888-864-8623 or visit www.skcabc.org/fitness_fair. Registration is strongly encouraged for those who need childcare or language interpretation.
That’s Financial Fitness Day, this Saturday from 10 to 3 at Rainier Community Center. Please spread the word to your friends, family and networks.
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