Hi, I want to remind you how you can get your income tax return prepared and filed for free at any one of 18 United Way sponsored tax sites throughout King County until April 17th, 2011 (only 3 weeks left). In addition to getting help filing your taxes, you may be eligible to receive a refund up to $5,666 from the Earned Income Tax Credit, a refundable tax credit for working people with low and moderate incomes. The free tax preparation service will be prepared by IRS-trained and certified volunteers, and can be electronically filed for a quick refund. Multilingual tax preparers will be available at several sites to serve customers who do not speak English. At the sites you will also be able to sign up for certain public benefits and learn about opportunities you have to make the most of your tax refund by receiving your refund on a debit card or putting a portion of your refund into a U.S. Savings Bond. Free tax prep allows low-income people to keep more of your hard-earned money and avoid paying unnecessary fees for commercial tax preparation and "rapid refund" loans. Being financially stable reduces the risk of becoming homeless. For more information, visit the United Way Free Tax Preparation Campaign webpage To find a location near you, see the United Way Tax Site Locations webpage for a list of sites and their hours and an interactive map. Or simply dial 211 from any phone in King County (this is a free call, even from payphones). Tell the 211 operator that you want information about free tax preparation services.
UhlenbrockCPA providescorporate tax preparation in san antonio.We have the best Tax Professionals in San Antonio Call Us Now @ (210) 701-1040 to book an appointment with best CPA firms in san antonio
ReplyDeleteThe blog was absolutely fantastic, Lot of information is helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating the blog, looking forward for more content…. Great job, keep it up.
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