From Egypt to Libya to Wisconsin, we are witnessing real grassroots power as people rise up in support of basic worker and human rights. On Thursday, March 17, it is our turn to make our voices heard as we go to Washington's Capitol and Rally to Protect Our Future. Join the Statewide Poverty Action Network and 2,000 other community members as we demand that our state focuses on raising revenue to end drastic cuts to TANF, Disability Lifeline, healthcare, and other essential services.
The rally will take place on Thursday, March 17th at 12:00 noon on the Capitol Steps in Olympia. Free transportation will leave from Seattle, Kent & Lakewood on the day of the event. For more information or to sign up for a spot on bus, contact Kate at Poverty Action at 206-694-6794. For more information visit povertyaction.org
Also, do you have questions about how the state creates its budget? Are you concerned about the deep budget cuts that have been proposed by lawmakers? Join Poverty Action for the second of our lunchtime phone briefings as Policy Director Tony Lee discusses the biennial budget this Friday, March 11 from 12:00 to 12:45pm. When you RSVP, we’ll send you a call-in number. To sign-up, contact Danielle at 206-694-6794. Thank you!
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